The cultural growth, the passion in metalworking and the continuous reserch of new materials from more over a quarter of a century LINBRAZE Ldt. led to the birth METALLISE an art workshop with a team of highly skilled specialising in the application of real metal finishes through the technology of cold spray metallization , trought the use of metal powders which combined with the deep knowledge of mineral and organic binders, leading the creation of original artifacts with modern and innovative design. Metallise is pioneer in the application of real metal finishes through the technology of cold spray metallization atat consit in the a mix of metal powders and natural and non-toxic rosin, applicable on any surface.
METALLISE means bespoke finishes and original surfaces that will capture all the detail of your project, architectural installations, furniture and work arts. We create unique works in architectural and interior design style, designs and surfaces, with high impact in terms of visual, tactile and the emotional depending on the object or manufacturing process
METALLISE collaborates with international designers, artists and creators to create work pieces of art with continuos enthusiasm and in finding contact with surfaces of past, present and future.
METALLISE offers new possibilities to design innovative and finished products, objects designed for our clients, interior luxury for very fashion houses,hotel, offices, etc. in short time and cost-effectively.